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Buy Barbells online at best prices

Whether you're a professional or an individual, you'll find the Olympic bar to suit your needs. From 2.5 to 20kg, junior, technical, women's and men's sizes, our list includes the best top-of-the-range weightlifting bars for your practice.

All our Olympic-size bars are fitted with bearings adapted to the practice, from bushings (for junior and technical bars) to 4-needle bearings, which are the most efficient for high-quality equipment. Our equipment is performance-tested to ensure strength and safety.

We provide you with all the advice and details you need on every product sheet. With CrossLiftor, choose the right weightlifting bar for your practice and intensity.

All our Olympic bars are available for purchase:

There are 30 products.

Showing 1-30 of 30 item(s)
Barbell Technique - 7,5 kg
SQUAT Barbell - 20 kg
Barbell AxLR - 15 kg
Barbell AxLR - 15 kg
AxLR Barbell - 20 kg
AxLR Barbell - 20 kg
Barbell NRV Gold - 15 kg
Barbell NRV Gold - 20 kg
Barbell NRV Army - 20 kg
DtR Barbell- 20 kg

Which bar to choose?

It's hard to know which barbell to choose when you're not a professional. There are many criteria, but to simplify things, you can select a bar according to your category (child, woman or man) and adapt its weight and size (see below for the different weights).
Then there's the type of exercise you'll be doing. For weightlifting, and the practice of snatch and clean&jeark movements, an Olympic bar with double marking on the handle will be ideal. They have a high resistance-elasticity ratio to help you achieve your movements.
For more traditional movements such as squats, bench presses, strict presses etc., you can opt for a powerlifting bar like our Squat or PWR bar. A single brand for positioning your hands on the handle and greater rigidity.
Two-brand bars are the most versatile, and will also suit all other bar exercises.

How much does an Olympic barbell weigh?

The empty weight of an Olympic bar depends on the category you're in. For a child, the bar weighs between 2.5 and 5 kg. For women, it's usually 15kg, and for men it's the heaviest at 20kg. The size of the bar also varies according to criteria, with a diameter and length to suit.

What are the price criteria for a bar?

Apart from the commercial decisions of each sports equipment retailer, the price of a bar will vary according to the following criteria:

- The quality of the bearings: ring, needle or ball bearingsS bearing in mind that ball bearings are generally the least qualitative, in contrast to the precision of needle bearings. Crossliftor equips its bars with the best bearings on the market to ensure smooth, optimal practice.

PSI or resistance: resistance to tension is a key factor in the quality of your bar. This will depend on the quality of the steel or raw materials used. For applications other than light technical work and children's bars, avoid bars below 180,000 PSI. At Crossliftor, all our bars are tested to ensure their quality and strength.

There are other criteria, but these are the most important. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our support team.